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  Shipment Info
Company Name   LTL Truckload
Your Name Origin Zip Destination Zip
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Email No. of Units
    Type of packaging
    Total Weight (lbs.)
    Dimensions (ft.) L: W:H:
    Special Services

This quote will be based on the information you provide. Actual charges will be determined by shipment characteristics and any additional service options applicable at time of shipment. Quotes are valid for the Effective Shipment Date. Pricing may not apply on shipments that qualify as a Capacity Load or as a Cubic Capacity and Density shipment. All carriers Rules Tariff is applicable. THIS RATE ESTIMATE IS NOT BINDING. This is an estimate of potential freight charges based upon the information provided at the time of the estimate. The actual freight charges assessed will be predicated on the contents of the bill of lading, correct commodity description and weight, NMFC Item Number and Class, and any pricing agreement between the payer of the freight charges and Sunset Logistics, Inc.. LTL - fuel surcharge Shipments weighing less than 20,000 lbs. TL - fuel surcharge Shipments billed as, or weighing, 20,000 lbs. or more; or shipments subject to pup, van, or capacity load charges. All shipments are subject limits of liability to the release value provisions of the NMFC in effect on the date of the shipment and shall be considered released at the lowest released value. Release value is subject to each carrier’s rules and agreements with Sunset Logistics, Inc.
